Sherlock Holmes activity box

Sherlock Holmes activity box

Sherlock Holmes Science Activity box which is a complete box for Jr. Detectives


With this activity box, you will be able do experiments with magnifying glass, understand different types of fingerprints and lot more to be a junior detective.

Few of the activities included are:

  • Using the magnifying glass
  • Understand the basic difference between concave and convex lens
  • Burn the paper using magnifying glass.
  • Finger print detection using a stamp pad
  • Be the detective and maintain a finger print booklet for the criminals.
  • Create your own secret language
  • Understand the color separation technique
  • Word Search
  • Sudoku Maze
  • Magic Square
  • Poem Time
  • Story Time

50 in stock

Here you can find the answers to the puzzles given in the kit!!!

Answer: Newspaper delivery boy was the culprit. It was Thursday and Newspaper was not delivered after Monday.

Puzzle Name: THE BLUE CLUE
Answer: The note says:
“ ?Blue. He broke your window.”
Replace ? with question mark. The sentence becomes: Question Mark Blue. He broke your window.”
So, Mark Blue broke the window.

Answer: The note say: “ ?Blue. He broke your window.”
Replace ? with question mark. The sentence becomes: Question Mark Blue. He broke your window.”
So, Mark Blue broke the window.
“7th of September, 4th of January, 6th August, 3rd of July, 2nd of February, 8th of November.”
Pick the alphabets at the position mentioned in the sentence:
7th of September : B
4th of January: U
6th of August: T
3rd of July: L
2nd of February: E
8th of November: R

So, the culprit is BUTLER i.e. Cole Black.

Answer: Sherlock rotated M upside down and so it becomes W.
When MON SAT where rearranged, with M upside down, it becomes WATSON. This was Sherlock’s way of expressing his love for WATSON.

Puzzle Name: asterisk MAGIC
Answer: A note scribbled hastily reads: “It makes things appear to be bigger.”
So, its MAGNIFYING GLASS. Replace asterisk with the alphabets.

Puzzle Name: Pigpen Code

Answer: Whipped cream contains the poison. her friend ate whipped cream but she herself did not.

Puzzle Name: Guilt or pride
Answer: Move the toothpick forming the vertical line of the letter T to the left, connecting it to the end of the horizontal line. Then, reposition the toothpick forming the letter I below the current arrangement. This transforms the letter T into the letter C, and the word becomes CHEF.

Puzzle Name: Eye spy
1. Coconut tree cannot be present in desert.
2. Direction of the wind that is shown is a problem. Leaves of tree are moving in opposite direction to the smoke from chimney.
3. Polar bears are present on North pole and Penguins on South pole. So, they cannot be present together at the same place.
4. Water canal is present on one side but not on another side.


  • More fun with Magnifying glass!!!
  • Some fun with magnifying glass and try to look at different objects using your own magnifying glass.

  • Learn to burn the paper using magnifying glass: to be done under adult supervision!!!
  • The activity can be only performed on sunny day under Adult supervision only.

  • When the sunlight focuses on a spot, the light decreases in size but intensifies in its brightness. When we concentrate a lot of sunlight at one point, so this intensified light & heat energy on a single spot so that there is enough energy to burn up the paper. lets do that!!!

  • Learn difference between concave and convex lens
  • A concave lens is thinner in the middle and thicker at the edges. Concave lens will make an object look sharper and smaller in size.

  • A convex lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. Magnifying glass has a convex lens.

  • Learn about finger prints
  • The 3 Major Types of Fingerprints patterns are

  • Loop: This is the most popular fingerprint pattern. Indeed, with 60 to 70 percent of the total population have this pattern.

  • Whorl: This fingerprint pattern makes up about 25 to 35 percent of the total population.

  • Arch: This is the rarest type of fingerprint. In fact, about 5% of the world’s population have this fingerprint pattern.

  • Make your own secret language code. Fun time!!!
  • Secret language is always fun when you want to keep your secrets. Detectives always have to do that. Lets create our own secret Language code!!!

  • Play around with magnifying glass !!!
  • Magnifying glass has convex lens which is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. It magnifies the object if object is kept very near to the magnifying glass. Lets so some magnifying glass fun!!!

  • Date First Available - 30 March 2022
  • Manufacturer - Siyaira Solutions
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH - 36.8 x 27.9 x 10.2 Centimeters
  • Included Components - Magnifying glass, Concave lens, Pencil/eraser/sharpener set, Instruction /Information booklet, Glasses, Stamp pad, Finger print booklet, Filter paper, Detective ID card, Cutout Secret language

Technical Details

  • Educational Objective(s) - ‎Logical Thinking, Creative Skills, Exploratory Skills, Reasoning Skills, Coding Skills, STEM
  • Manufacturer recommended age - ‎5 - 14 years

Manufacturer - ‎Siyaira Solutions

  • Country of Origin - ‎India
  • Item Weight - 1 kg 50 g

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